Burkhard Freitag. Von der raumbezogenen Modellierung zur Modellierung des Raumes. In Eva-Maria Seng and Frank Göttmann, editors, Dokument - Objekt - Genese. Digital Humanities und Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte, volume 5 of Reflexe der Immateriellen und Materiellen Kultur, Berlin, Boston, 2020. De Gruyter. [ http ]
Burkhard Freitag. Alles blockchain - oder was? Festrede zum dies academicus 2019 der OTH Regensburg, 2019. [ .pdf ]
Alexander Stenzer. Query relaxation using spreading-activation and SKOS-ontologies. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, iiWAS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 2-4, 2019, page 330–334, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM. [ DOI | http ]
Matthias Schmid. On efficiently storing huge property graphs in relational database management systems. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, iiWAS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 2-4, 2019, page 344–352, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM. [ DOI | http ]
Anna Nöbauer and Alexander Stenzer. Modellierung komplexer Gebäudestrukturen als digitaler Sammlungsraum. In Andreas Bienert, Eva Emenlauer-Blömers, and James R. Hemsley, editors, Konferenzband EVA Berlin 2019. Elektronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur und Historie: 26. Berliner Veranstaltung der internationalen EVA-Serie Electronic Media and Visual Arts, volume 26 of EVA Berlin, pages 66--75, Heidelberg, 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
Alexander Stenzer, Christina Ehrlinger, and Matthias Schmidt. Ansätze zur semantischen 3D-Repräsentation von Bauwerken in Datenbanken. In Piotr Kuroczyński, Mieke Pfarr-Harfst, and Sander Münster, editors, Der Modelle Tugend 2.0: Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion als virtueller Raum der architekturhistorischen Forschung, volume 2 of Computing in Art and Architecture, pages 371--390, 2019. [ DOI | http ]
Christina Ehrlinger. How to bring some MAGIC to SPARQL. In Proceedings of the 31st GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Saarburg, Germany, June 11-14, 2019., pages 62--67, 2019. [ .pdf ]
Matthias Schmid. An approach to efficiently storing property graphs in relational databases. In Proceedings of the 31st GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Saarburg, Germany, June 11-14, 2019., pages 56--61, 2019. [ .pdf ]
Alexander Stenzer. Ein Ansatz zur semantik-basierten Anfragerelaxation für hierarchische Strukturen. Dissertation, Universität Passau, 2018. [ .pdf ]
Burkhard Freitag and Alexander Stenzer. MonArch - a digital archive for cultural heritage. In Gerhard Vinken and Birgit Franz, editors, Das Digitale und die Denkmalpflege: Bestandserfassung - Denkmalvermittlung - Datenarchivierung - Rekonstruktion verlorener Objekte, pages 122--129, 2017. [ DOI | http ]
Christoph Ehlers. Top-k Semantic Caching. PhD thesis, Universität Passau, 2015. [ http ]
Alexander Stenzer and Burkhard Freitag. An approach to query relaxation using ontologies in a GIS-based archiving system. In ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming (IWGS), Redondo Beach, California, USA, November 6-9 2012. [ DOI | http ]
Alexander Stenzer and Burkhard Freitag. Using Microfilm for Long-Term Preservation of Digitally Annotated Archival Content. In PV 2011: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data, November 2011.
Christian Schönberg, Franz Weitl, and Burkhard Freitag. Verifying the consistency of web-based technical documentations. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 46(2):183--206, 2011. [ DOI | http ]
Alexander Stenzer, Claudia Woller, and Burkhard Freitag. Monarch: Digital Archives for Cultural Heritage. In iiWAS'2011 - The 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services, 5-7 December 2011, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pages 144--151, 2011. [ DOI | http ]
Rainer Drewello, Burkhard Freitag, and Christoph Schlieder. New Tools for Ancient Ruins. DFG magazine german research, 1:24--28, 2011. [ DOI | http ]
Franz Weitl and Shin Nakajima. Incremental construction of counterexamples in model checking web documents. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV'10), Vienna, Austria, July 2010.
Christian Schönberg, Helmuth Pree, and Burkhard Freitag. Rich Ontology Extraction and Wikipedia Expansion Using Language Resources. In WAIM'10: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, volume 6184 of LNCS, July 2010.
Sven Radde and Burkhard Freitag. Using Bayesian Networks To Infer Product Rankings From User Needs. In Proceedings of the UMAP 2010 Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization and Recommender Systems (ITWP'10), Big Island, Hawaii, June 2010.
Tobias Seppenhauser, Alexander Stenzer, and Burkhard Freitag. Retrieving Cultural Heritage Information with Google Earth. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2010) on Advances in Web Technologies and Applications, Busan, Korea, April 2010. IEEE Computer Society Press. [ DOI | http ]
Rainer Drewello, Burkhard Freitag, and Christoph Schlieder. Neues Werkzeug für alte Gemäuer. DFG Forschung Magazin, 2010(3):10--14, 2010. [ DOI | http ]
Franz Weitl and Shin Nakajima. SMTreloaded -- SMT-based model checking with relational logic added. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Dependability of Network Software Applications (DNSA 2010), Higashi Hiroshima, Japan, 2010. To appear.
Franz Weitl, Shin Nakajima, and Burkhard Freitag. From counterexamples to incremental interactive tracing of errors. it -- Information Technology, 52(5):295--297, 2010. Copyright [ DOI ]
Franz Weitl, Shin Nakajima, and Burkhard Freitag. Structured counterexamples for the temporal description logic ALCCTL. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, SEFM 2010, Pisa, Italy, 13-18 September 2010, pages 232--243. IEEE Computer Society, 2010. [ DOI | http ]
Alfons Ruch. Supporting interoperability of distributed digital archives using authority-controlled ontologies. In Proceedings of PV 2009, Madrid, Spain, December 2009. ESA.
Christian Schönberg, Franz Weitl, Mirjana Jaksic, and Burkhard Freitag. Logic-based verification of technical documentation. In DocEng '09: Proceedings of the 9th ACM symposium on Document engineering, pages 251--252, Munich, Germany, September 2009. ACM Press.
Sven Radde, Bettina Zach, and Burkhard Freitag. Designing a Metamodel-Based Recommender System. In Tommaso Di Noia and Francesco Buccafurri, editors, E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 10th International Conference, EC-Web 2009, Linz, Austria, September 1-4, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5692 of LNCS, pages 264--275. Springer Verlag, September 2009. [ DOI | http ]
Christian Schönberg, Mirjana Jaksic, Franz Weitl, and Burkhard Freitag. Verification of Web Content: A Case Study on Technical Documentation. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems (WWV 09), Linz, Austria, July 2009. RISC.
Franz Weitl, Mirjana Jaksic, and Burkhard Freitag. Towards the Automated Verification of Semi-structured Documents. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 68:292--317, 2009. [ DOI | http ]
Burkhard Freitag and Christoph Schlieder. MonArch - Digital Archives for Monumental Buildings. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), 23(4):30--35, 2009.
Franz Weitl. Dokumentverifikation mit Temporaler Beschreibungslogik. In Dorothea Wagner, editor, Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2008, volume D-9 of GI-Edition - LNI, pages 321--330. Bonner Köllen Verlag, Germany, 2009. in German.
Sven Radde, Andreas Kaiser, and Burkhard Freitag. A Model-Based Customer Inference Engine. In Proceedings of the ECAI08 Workshop on Recommender Systems, Patras, Greece, July 2008. ECCAI.
Matthias Beck and Burkhard Freitag. Weighted Boolean Conditions for Ranking. In Proceedings of the IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2008) - 2nd International Workshop on Ranking in Databases (DBRank08), pages 568--571, Cancun, Mexico, April 2008. IEEE, IEEE Computer Society Press.
Franz Weitl. Document Verification with Temporal Description Logics. Doktorarbeit, University of Passau, Germany, 2008.
Petra Schwaiger. Ein Bedingungsmodell für Planungsprobleme in strukturierten Domänen. Doktorarbeit, Universität Passau, Germany, 2008. in German.
Jan Ehrlich, Sven Radde, Axel Polleti, and Burkhard Freitag. Designing an E-Learning Platform for Reading Comprehension. In Proceedings of the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, Quebec City, Canada, October 2007. AACE.
Sven Radde and Burkhard Freitag. SIPREACT - Kontextsensitive Beratungssysteme. In Rainer Koschke, Otthein Herzog, Karl-Heinz Rödiger, and Marc Ronthaler, editors, Tagungsband der 37. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, volume P-109 of GI-Edition LNI, pages 259--262, Bremen, Germany, September 2007. Gesellschaft für Informatik. in German.
Stephan Kiemle and Burkhard Freitag. Providing Context-Sensitive Access to the Earth Observation Product Library. In Laslo Kovacs, Norbert Fuhr, and Carlo Meghini, editors, Proceedings of the 11th European Conference, ECDL 2007, Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, volume 4675 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 223--234, Budapest, Hungary, September 2007. Springer Verlag.
Sven Radde, Matthias Beck, and Burkhard Freitag. Generating Recommendation Dialogues from Product Models. In Workshop Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 07), Vancouver, Canada, July 2007. AAAI Press.
Matthias Beck, Sven Radde, and Burkhard Freitag. Ranking von Produktempfehlungen mit präferenz-annotiertem SQL. In Alfons Kemper, editor, Proceedings der 12. GI-Fachtagung für Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), volume et al. ,103 of Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 82--95, Aachen, Germany, March 2007. Gesellschaft für Informatik. in German.
Johanna Bucur, Werner Grass, Rudolf Kammerl, and Franz Weitl. Eltis: Technische Informatik - Fernstudium für Schüler. In Tagungsband der 12. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (INFOS 2007), volume LNI-Band Didaktik der Informatik in Theorie und Praxis, Universität Siegen, Deutschland, 2007. Springer Verlag. in German.
Stefan Kurz, Michael Guppenberger, and Burkhard Freitag. A UML Profile for Modeling Schema Mappings. In John F. Roddick, editor, Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice, volume 4231 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 53--62. Springer Verlag, November 2006.
Sven Radde, Liubov Gordienko, and Burkhard Freitag. An advanced interactive language teaching platform. In A. Mendez-Vilas, editor, Current Developments in Technology-Assisted Education, Lecture Notes in Informatics, pages 270--274. FORMATEX, November 2006.
Stefan Kurz, Markus Lehmann, and Burkhard Freitag. Towards a Personalized and Situated Course Guidance System. In John F. Roddick and ..., editors, Proceedings of the E-Learn World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, LNCS, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2006. Springer Verlag.
Matthias Beck and Burkhard Freitag. Semantic Matchmaking using Ranked Instance Retrieval. In Tommaso Di Noia, editor, SMR '06: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval, Co-located with VLDB, volume 178 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 97--104, Seoul, Korea, September 2006. CEUR-WS.
Mirjana Jaksic. An Approach to Example-based Consistency Checking of Web Documents. In Tagungsband zum 18. GI-Workshop über Grundlagen von Datenbanken, pages 75--79, Wittenberg, Germany, June 2006. GI.
Franz Weitl and Burkhard Freitag. Checking Content Consistency of Integrated Web Documents. Journal of Computer Science & Technology, 21(3):418--429, 2006.
Petra Schwaiger and Burkhard Freitag. Using answer set programming for the automatic compilation of assessment tests. In Sandro Etalle and Miroslaw Truszczynski, editors, Logic Programming, 22nd International Conference, ICLP 2006, Seattle, WA, USA, August 17-20, 2006, Proceedings, volume 4079 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300--314, Seattle, USA, 2006. Springer. [ DOI | http ]
Michael Guppenberger and Burkhard Freitag. Intelligent Creation of Notification Events in Information Systems - Concept, Implementation and Evaluation. In Abdur Chowdhury, Norbert Fuhr, Marc Ronthaler, Hans-Jörg Schek, and Wilfried Teiken, editors, Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pages 52--59, Bremen, Germany, November 2005. ACM, ACM Press.
Petra Schwaiger. Antwortmengenprogrammierung in der Praxis - eine Fallstudie. In Stefan Brass and Christian Goldberg, editors, Tagungsband zum 17. GI-Workshop über Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Wörlitz, Germany, May 2005. Institute of Computer Science, Martin-Luther-University. in German.
Burkhard Freitag, Ulrich Zukowski, and Gerhard Bloch. Digitale Kartierung und Archivierung. Restauro, 7:486--493, 2005. in German.
Franz Weitl and Burkhard Freitag. Checking Semantic Integrity Constraints on Integrated Web Documents. In Shan Wang, Dongqing Yang, Katsumi Tanaka, Fabio Grandi, Shuigeng Zhou, Eleni Mangina, Tok Wang Ling, Il-Yeol Song, Jihong Guan, and Heinrich C. Mayr, editors, Proceedings of the ER'04 International Workshop on Conceptual Model-directed Web Information Integration and Mining, volume 3289 of LNCS, pages 198--209, Shanghai, China, November 2004. Springer-Verlag.
Franz Weitl and Burkhard Freitag. Datenqualität durch inhaltsbezogene Referenzierung. In Tagungsband zum Workshop Dynamische Informationsfusion, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, volume P-50, pages 336--340, Ulm, September 2004. GI. in German.
André Wiesner, Hartmut Schmeck, and Franz Weitl. Strategien zur Distribution und Integration XML-basierter Lehr- und Lernmodule. In Tagungsband zum Workshop Structured eLearning: Wissenswerkstatt Rechensysteme, Universität Rostock, March 2004. in German.
Ulrich Zukowski and Burkhard Freitag. Der Dom im Rechner - Digitales Dombauarchiv Passau. Universität Passau, Campus Passau - das Magazin der Universität, 1:10, 2004. in German.
Burkhard Freitag, Ulrich Zukowski, and Gerhard Bloch. Digitales Dombauarchiv. Zukunft im Brennpunkt (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Bayerischen Forschungsverbünde), 3:33--38, 2004. in German.
Alfred Fent, Herbert Reiter, and Burkhard Freitag. Design for Change: Evolving Workflow Specifications in ULTRAflow. In Anne Banks Pidduck, John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo, and M. Tamer Öszu, editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2002,, volume 2348 of LNCS, pages 516--534, Toronto, Canada, May 2002. Springer Verlag. [ DOI | http ]
Franz Weitl, Christian Süß, Rudolf Kammerl, and Burkhard Freitag. Presenting Complex e-Learning Content on the Web: A Didactical Reference Model. In Anne Banks Pidduck, John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo, and M. Tamer Öszu, editors, Proceedings of world conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education, LNCS, pages 1018--1025, Montreal, Canada, 2002. Springer Verlag.
Stefan Brass, Jürgen Dix, Burkhard Freitag, and Ulrich Zukowski. Transformation-Based Bottom-Up Computation of the Well-Founded Model. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 1(5):497--538, September 2001. [ DOI | http ]
Alfred Fent and Burkhard Freitag. ULTRAflow - A Lightweight Workflow Management System. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Functional and (Constraint) Logic Programming (WFLP2001), pages 375--378, Kiel, Germany, September 2001.
Ulrich Zukowski. Flexible Computation of the Well-Founded Semantics. PhD thesis, University of Passau, 2001.
Christian Süß, Ulrich Zukowski, and Burkhard Freitag. Data Modeling and Relational Storage of XML-based Teachware. In Proceedings Informatik 2001, 2001.
Alfred Fent, Carl-Alexander Wichert, and Burkhard Freitag. Logical Update Queries as Open Nested Transactions. In G. Saake, K. Schwarz, and C. Türker, editors, Transactions and Database Dynamics, Eight International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects 1999, Selected Papers, volume 1773 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 45--66. Springer, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2000.
Burkhard Freitag, Elmar Sinz, and Benedikt Wismans. Die informationstechnische Infrastruktur der Virtuellen Hochschule Bayern (vhb). In Workshop UH-2000 Unternehmen Hochschule im Zusammenhang mit der Informatik 2000 Konferenz der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin, Germany, September 2000. GI. in German.
Christian Süß, Rudolf Kammerl, and Burkhard Freitag. A Teachware Management Framework for Multiple Teaching Strategies. In Anne Banks Pidduck, John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo, and M. Tamer Öszu, editors, Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2000, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2000.
Alfred Fent, Carl-Alexander Wichert, and Burkhard Freitag. Logical update queries as open nested transactions. In Gunter Saake, Kerstin Schwarz, and Can Türker, editors, Transactions and Database Dynamics, Eight International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, Schloß Dagstuhl, Germany, September 27-30, 1999, Selected Papers, volume 1773 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 45--66. Springer, 1999. [ DOI | http ]
Ulrich Zukowski, Burkhard Freitag, and Stefan Brass. Improving the alternating fixpoint: The transformation approach. In Jürgen Dix, Ulrich Furbach, and Anil Nerode, editors, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 4th International Conference, LPNMR'97, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 28-31, 1997, Proceedings, volume 1265 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 4--59. Springer, 1997. [ DOI | http ]
Ulrich Zukowski and Burkhard Freitag. The deductive database system LOLA. In Jürgen Dix, Ulrich Furbach, and Anil Nerode, editors, Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 4th International Conference, LPNMR'97, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, July 28-31, 1997, Proceedings, volume 1265 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 376--387. Springer, 1997. [ DOI | http ]
Ulrich Zukowski and Burkhard Freitag. The differential fixpoint of general logic programs. In Dmitri Boulanger, Ulrich Geske, Fosca Giannotti, and Dietmar Seipel, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop DDLP'96 on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, 4th Workshop in Conjunction with JICSLP '96, Bonn, Germany, September 5-6, 1996, volume 295 of GMD-Studien, pages 45--56. GMD, Sankt Augustin, Germany, 1996.
Burkhard Freitag. Representing objects as modules in deductive databases. In Ulrich Geske and Dietmar Seipel, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Deductive Databases and Logic Programming, Second ICLP-Workshop on Deductive Databases, Santa Marherita Ligure, Italy, June 17, 1994, volume 231 of GMD-Studien, pages 41--56. Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung MBH, 1994.
Burkhard Freitag. Extending deductive database languages by embedded implications. In Andrei Voronkov, editor, Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning,International Conference LPAR'92, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 15-20, 1992, Proceedings, volume 624 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 84--95. Springer, 1992. [ DOI | http ]